Pathria Statistical Mechanics 2nd Edition Solution Manual

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PHY831 Graduate Statistical Mechanics: Fall 2012 PHY831 - Graduate Statistical Mechanics: Fall 2012 Lectures MWF 11:30-12:20, BPS1308. Professor Phillip Duxbury: Office: BPS 4260, Email: duxbury at Helproom - TBA. Office hours - email me for an appointment Active lecture notes and problem sets. Helproom: Thursday Dec. 6, 7-8 pm BPS 1308 Midterm 4: Friday Dec.

7, usual time and place Helproom: Wednesday Dec. 12, 11:30am - 12:30pm BPS 1308. All of the homeworks, quizzes and midterms you handed in will be available. Final and Subject Exam: Friday Dec. 14, 2-5pm, BPS 1400 Final covers Parts 1-3 and BCS theory at finite temperature in Part 4 Course schedule and outline Part 1: (LL, PB) Foundations: (10 lectures) History, Heat, Engines, Kinetic theory and Entropy. Computational methods, molecular dynamics, ensembles, ergodicity. Foundations of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics.

Ensembles, Boltzmann factors, Quantum systems. Computational methods, Monte Carlo and detailed balance. Free energies and thermodynamics.

Fun with thermodynamic relations. Fluctuations and response functions. Monday September 10: Homework 1 is due and Quiz 1 (20 minutes) in class Homework 1 - do problems 1-9, hand in problems 8,9.

Statistical mechanics solutions

Quiz 1 covers quiz problems 1-8 and homework problems 1-9. Monday September 17: Homework 2 is due and Quiz 2 (20 minutes) in class Homework 2 - do problems 10-16, hand in problems 15,16. Quiz 2 covers quiz problems 9-18 and homework problems 10-16. Monday September 24: Midterm I (50 minutes) in class Part 2: (H, PB, LL) Key solvable systems: (10 lectures) Non-interacting spin systems.

Ideal Classical gas. Classical harmonic oscillators. Ideal Fermi gas, electron gas, white dwarf stars. Ideal Bose gas, photons, phonons, bose condensation, The early universe. Electrons and phonons in metals. Solvable Ising systems.

Magnetic properties of the electron gas. Friday October 5: Homework 3 is due and Quiz 3 (20 minutes) in class Homework 3 - do problems 1-9, hand in problems 6, 8. Quiz 3 covers quiz problems 1-9 and homework problems 1-9. Monday October 15: Homework 4 is due and Quiz 4 (20 minutes) in class Homework 4: hand in solutions to assigned problems 10,14 Quiz 4 covers quiz problems 9-18 and assigned problems 10-16.

Pathria statistical mechanics solutions

Monday October 22: Midterm II (50 minutes) in class Part 3: (H, PB) Interacting systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena (11 lectures) Interacting spin systems, Ising model. Interacting classical gas, cluster expansion, van der Waals gas, virial Expansion. BCS model of superconductivity. Scaling theory, universality, Landau theory, Ginzburg-Landau model. Monday November 5: Homework 5 is due and Midterm 2 - take 2 in class Homework 5: hand in solutions to assigned problems 5, 6. Monday November 12: Homework 6 is due, Quiz 5 and Quiz 6 (20 minutes each) in class Homework 6: hand in solutions to assigned problems 8, 9 Quiz 5 and Quiz 6 cover Lectures 1-7, Quiz problems 1-17 and Assigned problems 1-11 You will not be asked to prove the linked cluster theorem in these quizzes. Monday November 19: Midterm 3 (50 minutes) in class You will not be asked to prove the linked cluster theorem.

You will not be asked to reduce the BCS mean field Hamiltonian to diagonal form using the Bogolubov-Valatin transformation. Part 4: (H, PB) Scaling and complex systems (7 lectures) Landau theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, scaling. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics.

Monday December 3: Homework 7 is due and Quiz 7 (20 minutes) in class. Friday December 7: Midterm 4 (50 minutes) in class Final Exam: Friday December 14, 2pm - 5pm (BPS 1400) Course assessment Weekly or biweekly homeworks (10%). Hand in a copy of your work, not the original. Late homeworks will not be accepted without a written explanation. Quizzes (random, almost weekly) (20%).

Your worst quiz will be dropped. Midterms (40%). Books and other resources There is no graduate level Statistical Mechanics text that covers the above material in a clean and pedagogical way. Landau and Lifshitz, volume 1 and Pathria and Beale are best for Part 1, Huang for Parts 2-4. Some parts of Part 4 are not in any of these texts. In any case it is a good idea to work through at least two texts, and for that I suggest PB and H. Hopefully everyone has worked through a significant fraction of a book such as KK or LL in an undergraduate statistical mechanics course.

Recommended (PB): R.K. Pathria and P.D. Beale, Statistical Mechanics Third Edition 2011 Recommended (H): K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics, Second Edition 1987 Recommended (LL): Statistical Physics, L.D.

Landau and E.M. Lifshitz Recommended but lower level (KK): Thermal Physics, C. Kittel and H. Kroemer Problems and solutions: Statistical Mechanics, R.

Kubo Professor Scott Pratt has that is a good resource for PHY831 problems, past subject exams and his lecture notes. Professor Steven Teitel has a Materials from Fall 2011 Course Part 1: (LL, PB) Foundations: (10 lectures) History, Heat, Engines, Kinetic theory and Entropy. Computational methods, molecular dynamics, ensembles, ergodicity. Foundations of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Ensembles, Boltzmann factors, Quantum systems.

Computational methods, Monte Carlo and detailed balance. Free energies and thermodynamics.

Statistical Mechanics Solutions

Fun with thermodynamic relations. Fluctuations and response functions. Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Dynamics. Part 2: (H, PB, LL) Key solvable systems: (10 lectures) Non-interacting spin systems. Ideal Classical gas.

Pathria Statistical Mechanics 2nd Edition Solution Manual Pdf

Classical harmonic oscillators. Ideal Fermi gas, electron gas, white dwarf stars. Ideal Bose gas, photons, phonons, bose condensation, The early universe. Electrons and phonons in metals. Solvable Ising systems. Magnetic properties of the electron gas. Part 3: (H, PB) Interacting systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena (9 lectures) Interacting spin systems, Ising model.

Interacting classical gas, cluster expansion, van der Waals gas, virial Expansion. BCS model of superconductivity. Part 4: (H, PB) Scaling and complex systems (9 lectures) Landau theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, scaling. GL theory, RG.

Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics.

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Physics 831 Home Page PHYSICS 831: GRADUATE LEVEL STATISTICAL MECHANICS Instructor: Scott Pratt National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, #2044 (517) 908-7460 Lecture: Mon./Wed./Fri. 9:10-10:00 AM #1420 BPS Office Hours: Mon./Wed. 3-4 PM #2044 NSCL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr.

Pratt will be out of town Nov. TEXT BOOK: Lecture notes can function as text book, but good idea to buy one to have something more permanent and to get a different perspective. Some to consider: R.K. Pathria and Paul D. Beale, Statistical Mechanics (3rd ed.), Elsevier (2011). ISBN: 9881 Kerson Huang, Statistical Mechanics (2nd ed.), John Wiley and Sons (1987), ISBN-13: 9181 LECTURE NOTES: are not meant to be a replacement for textbook.


These are living documents and will change without notice. GRADING WEIGHTS: Homework (due nearly every Friday at the beginning of class): 10% Numerous (nearly every week) Friday quizzes: 50% Final Exam (subject exam): 40% CALENDAR: Quizzes will be held every Friday, except Nov. 10, unless otherwise announced. The final/subject exam will be 3 hours: Monday, December 11, 7:45 AM - 11:00 AM, 1400 BPS The last 2 weeks of lecture will be devoted to preparing for the subject exam. HOMEWORK: WILL change as semester progresses - so be careful about working ahead. Set 1, due Fri. 8 Chapter 1 (1-5) Set 2, due Fri.

15 Chapter 1 (6-9) & Chapter 2 (1-4) Set 3, due Fri. 22 Chapter 2 (5-11) Set 4, due Fri. 29 Chapter 2 (12,14), Chapter 3 (1) Set 5, due Fri. 6 Chapter 3 (2,3), Chapter 4 (1,2) Set 6, due Fri.

13 Chapter 4 (3-7) Set 7, due Fri. 20 Chapter 4 (8-11), Set 8, due Fri. 27 Chapter 4 (12-16), Set 9, due Fri.

3 Chapter 5 (1-7) Set 9, due Fri. 17 Chapter 6 (1-4).

Set 10, due Mon. 27 Chapter 6 (5-7). Homework Grader: Dustin Frisbie,, hours TBD SUBJECT EXAM PRESENTATIONS: Each team will design and present one problem they think will make appropriate exam problem. Each team will email me two PDFs - one listing problem, the second the solution.

Pathria Statistical Mechanics Solutions

The non-solutions PDFs need to be emailed to me by the date listed below for their problem. I will pass out a copy of the problems, without solutions, to all the class. I will also need the solutions emailed to me by the end of the day your problem was presented. Each group will present problem and solution.

You need to keep this at about 12 minutes per problem. We will also expect an additional few minutes for questions.Ten point grade will be given for presentation of solutions.

These grades, like the programming grade, all get added to your quiz grade. GROUP I (SUNDAY, Nov. 27) Ammerman, Zhu Chapter 1: 1.1-1.4 Anthony, Yu Chapter 1: 1.5-1.9 Ash, Young Chapter 1: 1.10-1.11 Hall, Hamaker Chapter 1: (conceptual) GROUP II (TUESAY, Nov. 29) Baez, Yandow Chapter 2: 2.1-2.2 Balcewicz, Wright Chapter 2: 2.3-2.4 Boles, Teh Chapter 2: 2.6-2.7 (conceptual) GROUP III (THURSDAY, Nov. 30) Branson, Surbrook Chapter 3: 3.1-3.2 Bromell, Shin Chapter 3: 3.5-3.6 Harris, Haugen Chapter 3: (conceptual) GROUP IV (SUNDAY, DEC. 3) Buxo Vazquez, Savunur Chapter 4: 4.1-4.3 Cooling, Sarkar Chapter 4: 4.4,4.6 Hemmerle, Kilgore Chapter 4: 4.1-4.6 (conceptual) GROUP V (TUESDAY, Dec 5) Douglas, Rhodes Chapter 4: 4.7-4.10 Fan, Reyes Rivera Chapter 4: 4.11-4.12 Gottschalk, Quinonez Chapter 5: 5.1 Grinder, Peisker Chapter 5: 5.2-5.3 GROUP VI (THURSDAY, Dec 7) Valverde, Hamerski Chapter 5: 5.4 (conceptual) Krowpman, Mishra Chapter 6: 6.1-6.4 Lake, Maldonado Chapter 6: 6.5-6.8 (conceptual) LaRose, Lun Chapter 6: 6.5-6.8 (conceptual) Final is Monday, Dec.

11th at 7:45 AM in 1400 BPS. Final will cover everything except: 2.8 (Interative Techniques for Canonical Ensembles), 2.9 (complex chem. Potentials) 4.5 (relativistic hydrodynamics), Chapter 7, Chapter 8. LANGEVIN PROJECT: QUIZZES: QUIZZES FROM FALL 2016: (working program to download) QUIZZES FROM FALL 2013: QUIZZES FROM FALL 2009: QUIZZES FROM FALL 2008: QUIZZES FROM FALL 2007: QUIZZES FROM FALL 2006: OLD SUBJECT EXAMS: (Duxbury) PRACTICE FOR SUBJECT EXAM: STUDENT COMPOSED QUESTIONS (some are screwy).

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