Biology 12 Reproductive System Study Guide Key

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Search and navigate content across your entire Bookshelf library. Interactive notebook and read-aloud functionality. Look up additional information online by highlighting a word or phrase. The fourth edition of Human Reproductive Biology—winner of a 2015 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from The Text and Academic Authors Association—emphasizes the biological and biomedical aspects of human reproduction, explains advances in reproductive science and discusses the choices and concerns of today.

Generously illustrated in full color, the text provides current information about human reproductive anatomy and physiology. This expansive text covers the full range of topics in human reproduction, from the biology of male and female systems to conception, pregnancy, labor and birth. It goes on to cover issues in fertility and its control, population growth and family planning, induced abortion and sexually transmitted diseases. This is the ideal book for courses on human reproductive biology, with chapter introductions, sidebars on related topics, chapter summaries and suggestions for further reading. Key Features. Dedication Preface Part I: Adult Female and Male Reproductive Systems Chapter 1. Endocrinology, Brain, and Pituitary Gland Abstract Introduction Biology of the Endocrine System Science of Endocrinology Hormones Receptors Synthetic Hormones How the Brain and Pituitary Control Reproduction Feedback Control of Gonadotropin Secretion Summary Further Reading Chapter 2.

The Female Reproductive System Abstract Introduction Ovaries Oviducts Uterus Vagina Female External Genitalia Mammary Glands Summary Further Reading Chapter 3. The Menstrual Cycle Abstract Introduction Reproductive Cycles in Mammals Major Events in the Menstrual Cycle The Menstrual Cycle in Detail Variations in Length of Menstrual Cycle Phases Methods for Detecting Ovulation Premenstrual Syndrome Dysmenorrhea Absence of Menstruation Menstrual Taboos Summary Further Reading Chapter 4.

The Male Reproductive System Abstract Introduction Testes Male Sex Accessory Ducts and Glands Penis Scrotum Summary Further Reading Part II: Sexual Differentiation and Development Chapter 5. Sexual Differentiation Abstract Introduction Chromosomal Sex X Chromosome Y Chromosome Development of the Reproductive System Gonadal Sex Differentiation Differentiation of Sex Accessory Ducts and Glands Differentiation of External Genitalia Summary of Sexual Determination and Development Disorders of Sexual Determination and Development Reproductive System in the Newborn Summary Further Reading Chapter 6. Puberty Abstract Introduction Puberty and Its Timing Gonadal Changes from Birth to Puberty Hormone Levels from Fetus to Puberty Environmental Factors and Puberty Genetics and Age of Puberty Puberty and Psychosocial Adjustment Summary Further Reading Chapter 7. Reproductive Aging Abstract Introduction Menopause Timing of Menopause Perimenopause Premature Menopause Symptoms of Menopause Endocrine Changes during Menopause Decline in Fertility Determining Female Reproductive Age Osteoporosis and Other Postmenopausal Disorders Treatments for Menopausal Symptoms: Benefits and Risks Andropause Summary Further Reading Part III: Procreation Chapter 8. The Human Sexual Response Abstract Introduction Sex Roles Sexual Arousal The Sexual Response Cycle Coitus (Sexual Intercourse) Hormones and Sexual Behavior Sexual Dysfunction Drugs and Human Sexual Behavior Summary Further Reading Chapter 9.

Gamete Transport and Fertilization Abstract Introduction Semen Release Contents of Seminal Plasma Sperm Number and Structure Sperm Transport and Maturation in the Female Reproductive Tract Transport of the Sperm and Ovum in the Oviduct Sperm Capacitation and Hyperactivation The Process of Fertilization Chemical Inhibition of Fertilization Sex Ratios Sex Preselection Multiple Embryos Parthenogenesis Chromosomal Aberrations Summary Further Reading Chapter 10. Pregnancy Abstract Introduction What is Pregnancy? Signs of Pregnancy Pregnancy Tests Early Pregnancy The Process of Pregnancy Twin Pregnancies Embryonic and Fetal Development Fetal Disorders Fetal Evaluation The Pregnant Woman Chances of a Successful Pregnancy Summary Further Reading Chapter 11. Labor and Birth Abstract Introduction Time of Birth Hormones and Birth Induced Labor Preparation for Labor The Birth Process Preterm Births Multiple Births Difficult Fetal Positions Handling Difficult Births Use of Medications during Labor Natural Birthing Methods Summary Further Reading Chapter 12.

The Neonate and the New Parents Abstract Introduction Treatment of the Newborn Adaptations of the Newborn What a Newborn Looks Like Disorders of the Newborn Condition of the New Mother Breast-Feeding Summary Further Reading Part IV: Fertility and Its Control Chapter 13. Contraception Abstract Introduction Hormonal Contraception The Combination Pill Minipill (Progestin-Only Pill) Subdermal Progestin Implants Injectable Hormones Transdermal Hormone Delivery Vaginal Ring Hormonal Delivery Method Emergency Contraception Intrauterine Devices Spermicides Diaphragm Cervical Cap Sponge Contraceptive Male and Female Condoms Coitus Interruptus Coitus Reservatus and Coitus Obstructus Natural Family Planning Is Breast-feeding a Contraceptive Measure?

Surgical Sterilization Limitations of Current Contraceptives Choosing a Contraceptive Summary Further Reading Chapter 14. Induced Abortion Abstract Introduction Induced Abortion in the United States Why Women Have Abortions First Trimester-Induced Abortions Second Trimester-Induced Abortions Third Trimester-Induced Abortions Folk Abortifacients Safety and Consequences of Induced Abortion Summary Further Reading Chapter 15. Infertility Abstract Introduction Seeking Medical Help for Infertility Female Infertility Male Infertility Assisted Reproductive Techniques Adoption Summary Further Reading Part V: Special Topics in Human Reproductive Biology Chapter 16. Brain Sex Abstract Introduction Biological Causes of Brain Sex Differences Sex Differences in Neonatal Behavior Sex Differences in Childhood Behavior Sex Differences in Adult Cognition and Motor Skills Sex Differences in Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases Sex Differences in Brain Structure Brain Sex Differences in the “Surge Center” Brain Sex and Human Sexual Behavior Gender Identity and TranSsexualism Sex Differences in Aggression Conclusion Summary Further Reading Chapter 17. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Abstract Introduction Bacterial STDs Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Lymphogranuloma Venereum Chancroid Granuloma Inguinale Viral STDs Genital Herpes Human Papillomavirus Viral Hepatitis B Molluscum Contagiosum Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome STDs Not Caused by Bacteria or Viruses Trichomoniasis Pediculosis Pubis Scabies Common Infections of the Reproductive Tract Preventing Sexually Transmitted Disease Summary Further Reading Glossary Index.

Jones has published more than 100 research papers in his field and has received the NIH Research Career Development Award for his research efforts in the study of reproductive biology and endocrinology. In 1990 he received the Student Organization for Alumni Relations Teaching Recognition Award for his teaching of an annual undergraduate course, Human Reproductive Biology, and a course on human anatomy. Jones obtained his B.A., M.A. From the University of California at Berkeley. He is now Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where his research interests include reproductive biology as well as reproductive endocrinology.

12.3 Biology Study Guide Answers

'This is a useful addition to the field of reproductive biology. Since the publication of the previous edition, numerous advances have been made in the study of human reproduction. The authors have updated and revised their book with the goal of providing the latest available findings. They have done a superb job of creating a readable, aesthetically appealing textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of human reproductive biology.'

-DOODY'S, 5 Stars! 'Elegantly written, profusely illustrated, and comprehensively revised to keep pace with rapidly moving research frontiers, the new edition of Jones and Lopez's Human Reproductive Biology is the text of choice for any college-level course in human reproduction. New material has been skillfully integrated into what was already a successful book.

New illustrations and well-designed boxes and side-panels enliven the text while updated references guide students into the primary literature. This new edition easily laps the competition.' Ellison, Harvard University 'This text is a comprehensive treatment of a highly significant area of science that will be greatly appreciated by reproductive biologists and anyone else with an interest in human reproductive biology. The text provides an entree into virtually every aspect of human reproductive biology, from classical paradigms to contemporary ideas and approaches. The presentation is clear and the illustrations useful. This is an excellent effort by only two authors.'

Wassarman, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York 'This is clearly the best text on Reproduction available. Jones and Lopez have carefully analyzed and integrated and years of classical work on reproductive biology and transformed it into a very readable book on human reproduction. Although I have been teaching a course on human reproduction for the last sixteen years, and I have reviewed 3 different texts on this subject, I learned something new the first time I perused the new edition of Jones and Lopez.' -Cliff Jones, School of Medicine, University of South Dakota 'This is the most comprehensive text on human reproduction I’ve read. It covers not only the basic biology of reproduction but also perspectives from evolution and across cultures, as well as practical information that will be useful to all readers, whether students, teachers, or researchers.

It’s certainly the best textbook for anthropology and evolution courses dealing with reproduction.' -Wendy Trevathan, New Mexico State University.

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